This announcement by The Hague Tribunal on 24 February 2004 provides interesting insight into the petty machinations of an illegal court.
Of particular amusement is the reference in paragraph 4 concerning “the use by detainees in the Tribunal’s Detention Unit of their communications privileges for purposes likely to frustrate the Tribunal’s mandate to assist in the restoration and maintenance of peace in the former Yugoslavia”.
The Hague, 10 February 2004
Contacts with their immediate family are authorized under conditions and Milosevic’s needs to prepare his defence are taken into account.
On 6 February 2004, the Tribunal’s Deputy Registrar, David Tolbert, issued two further Decisions, concerning the communication privileges of Vojislav Seselj and Slobodan Milosevic.
The Decisions were filed on 9 February and served on both Accused on the same day.
These Decisions are subsequent to Decisions issued on 11 December 2003 and on 9 January 2004 by the Deputy Registrar concerning the use by detainees in the Tribunal’s Detention Unit of their communications privileges for purposes likely to frustrate the Tribunal’s mandate to assist in the restoration and maintenance of peace in the former Yugoslavia (see Press Releases 810e and 814e).
Vojislav Seselj:
Considering that the Accused’s defiant position is unchanged and continues to be of concern, the Deputy Registrar decided to Prohibit, unless otherwise authorized by the Commanding Officer of the Detention Unit, all communication between the Accused with person(s) except for his legal counsel (if applicable), diplomatic or consular representatives and his immediate family, provided that his contact with his family shall be subject to live monitoring under conditions prescribed by the Commanding Officer of the Detention Unit.
Slobodan Milosevic:
Considering that the Accused has complied with the Decision of 9 January and that he needs to take steps to prepare his defence case, the Deputy Registrar ordered that:
– telephone communications from and to Slobodan Milosevic be restricted to legal counsel, diplomatic or consular representatives and his immediate family (provided that this last type of conversations be monitored);
– visits to Slobodan Milosevic be restricted to legal counsel, diplomatic or consular representatives and his immediate family, save other visits authorized by the Commanding Officer of the Detention Unit;
– these restrictions will not apply to communication and visits which are reasonably necessary for the preparation of the Accused’s defence, including interviewing by telephone or in person potential witnesses or otherwise collecting evidence in his defence, provided that this facility shall not be used in any manner for any contacts with the media.
The Deputy Registrar’s Decisions (Milosevic|Seselj) (available in full in English and BCS on the Tribunal’s website and from the Press Unit) will apply for a period of thirty (30) days from 10 February 2004.