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Balkan Conflicts Research Team
Information on recent conflicts in the Balkans
The Srebrenica Timeline
The Kosovo War
Cracks in the media’s Kosovo propaganda front, WSWS 6 July 1999
Legality of NATO Attack Discussed, John Diamond, AP News 25 March 1999
I believe in conspiracies, The Spectator, 17 January 2004
Strobe Talbot on the Kosovo war
Selections from 1999 Preface to “Fighting for Peace’ by General Sir Michael Rose
The horrors of Mariupol should remind us of a new danger to Sarajevo
How Blair became addicted to taking us to war – Max Hastings, The Daily Mail, May 2007
Bob Dole and Yugoslavia – Strategic Issues Research Institute, February 1999
Scott Ritter on US Machinations to bomb Serbia
When Ignorance Kills
THE MISSING MEN – The Independent, 12 April 1999
What Genocide? – Chuck Baldwin, November 3, 1999
The Yugoslavian Fairy Tale – George Szamuely, 28 May 2004
Racak “Victims” Had Gunpowder On Their Hands And Were Known KLA Members
Germany on Trial for NATO
The lethal engine of ethnic cleansing – The Guardian, 3 February 1999
Amnesty and UN staff accuse Kosovo war crimes tribunal of ethnic bias – The Guardian, June 2001
“Albright may be replaced for Yugoslav mistakes” Itar-Tass, 30 June 1999
Facts which should have prevented the NATO bombing of Serbia
Is two million expelled Serbs enough for “ethnic cleansing”?
Professor Markovic Concludes His Testimony – Andy Wilcoxson, 24 January 2005
A selection of post-Kosovo war press cuttings
1999: NATOs War Against Yugoslavia in Kosovo (article published January 2003)
End United Nations veto in mass atrocity cases, urges David Miliband – The Observer, 19/12/21
Uncorroborated stories
Legality of NATO Attack Discussed – Associated Press 25 March 1999
EU working to amend genocide denial law that is blamed for Bosnia crisis- The Guardian, 22 December 2021
Yugoslavia Takes NATO to Court by Mike Corder, 29 April 1999
Why the Media WON’T Discuss the Clinton Kosovo Fraud – Mary Mostert, August 2000
The “RACAK MASSACRE”: Casus Belli for NATO – Doris & George Pumphrey
My country needs me – and the cause is worth fighting for
NATO malign influence corrupting Serbian academe – Stephen Karganovic
“Greater NATO” Flies to the Aid of “Greater Albania” – Diana Johnstone
Biden has pledged that ‘America is back.’ But as peace shatters in the Balkans, does that mean yet more US misadventures?
The New Criminal Court for Kosovo
“Robin Cook & the Labour government’s ‘ethical’ foreign policy” – Ian Johnson, March 2005
Dubious Truth and Doubtful Reconciliation – the new criminal court for Kosovo
Finnish politician challenges official history of Balkan conflicts
Small Bites 1
Small Bites 2 – Unmentionable Truths
Small Bites 3 The ICTY: Bored to Distraction
Small Bites 4 – A Failure of Vision
The Kosovo War – some background
Daily links to 79 days of BBC coverage of NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, March – June 1999
Karadzic to serve ICTY sentence in UK prison
Serbs Observe Another Anniversary of Tragedy and Valor – Stephen Karganovic
Criminal Kosovo : America’s Gift to Europe – Diana Johnstone, 10 January 2011
Kosovo Chaos Undercuts Clinton ‘Success’ – Jonathan Marshall, February 2016
The “RACAK MASSACRE”: Casus Belli for NATO – Doris & George Pumphrey, March 2000
How Albright manoeuvred Nato into war
Kosovo: Law & Diplomacy – Mark Littman
Mark Littman concludes NATO bombing illegal
Do You Remember Kosovo? – Mark Littman QC
Philip Hammond on coverage of NATO bombing of Serbia
John Laughland on The Massacres That Never Were
Camp Bondsteel
Camp Bondsteel – Paul Stuart, World Socialist Website, 29 April 2002
Andrew Alexander: “Let’s Kill The Lies About Kosovo”
Alan J. Parrington: Clinton had chance to avoid Kosovo bombing
Nato’s Propaganda War by Philip Hammond
NATO propaganda
William Walker & the Racak ‘massacre’
Two more pieces on William Walker
Anatomy of propaganda – Francisco Gil-White
Kosovo – a trail of deception
Boris Johnson interview with Marko Gasic April 1999
Kosovo – NATO propaganda
Mary Mostert on the lies told about the Kosovo war
Brave New Numbers -Nebojsa Malic 2004
What’s the story? Audrey Gillan, London Review of Books
Grossly Exaggerated Atrocity Stories in Kosovo – World Socialist Web Site 6 July 1999
Transcript of Alastair Campbell speech at Royal United Services Institute, 9 July 1999
“Nato stopped us from controlling Kosovo’s gangsters”- The Times 16 December 2010
An Evil Little War – by Nebojsa Malic 24 March 2005
“Entangling Alliance Doomed Kosovo” – George Bogdanich, 2004
Mary Mostert on Racak, Original Sources 24 January 2001
Finnish experts find no evidence of Serb massacre of Albanians – Deutsche Presse-Agentur 17 Jan 2001
Three press articles by Walter J Rockler, former Nuremberg prosector
BBC Hardtalk April 2/3 1999 – Debate on Kosovo War
The Tragic Blunder in Kosovo – by former Canadian Ambassador James Bissett
NATO Morning Briefing 18 May 1999
Boston Globe 500,000 missing
Kosovo Indictment Proves Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities – Jim Bovard, June 2020
John Laughland on Thaçi indictment – RT 26 June 2020
#1613 (no title)
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT KOSOVO – John Laughland, The Spectator, 20 November 1999
Legality of NATO Attack Discussed
Bombing raids should have had UN approval – General Lewis MacKenzie
Why Blair’s ‘Humanitarian War ‘ is even worse – Mick Hume, LM Magazine
The War on TV – Philip Hammond, 1999
Reporting Kosovo: Journalism vs. Propaganda -Philip Hammond
Acts of murder – John Pilger, The Guardian, 18 May 1999
What’s the story? – Audrey Gillan 27 May 1999
Revealed: the amazing Nato plan, tabled at Rambouillet, to occupy Yugoslavia – John Pilger, May 1999
The Tyrant of Bosnia: Paddy Ashdown Goes Berserk – Nebojsa Malic
KLA finances war with heroin sale -Jerry Seper, Washington Times
Cleansing Serbs, courtesy of NATO – George Jonas, Canada National Post, 22nd March 2004
“How we trained al-Qaeda” – Brendan O’Neill, The Spectator, September 2003
War in the Balkans – Nato spokesman accused of exaggeration by French
The End of National Sovereignty? Kosovo and Blair’s ‘New Doctrine of the International Community’
How Silent are the Humanitarian Invaders of Kosovo?
“Kosovo: the untold story” – The Observer, July 1999
Kosovo Resolution 343
NATO Charter
NATO’s bombing of Kosovo under international law – Professor Michael Mandel, 2002
Swedish KFOR General Warns About Total Ethnic Cleansing of Serbs
Robin Cook & the Labour government’s ‘ethical’ foreign policy – Ian Johnson, March 2005
KOSOVO: “ILLEGAL BUT MORAL? ” – Mark Littman QC, June 2000
Was the ICTY a legally established criminal court?
Judge Prisca Matimba faces a new Srebrenica challenge
Illegality – The Core of the Case
UN Security Council Resolution 808
Points from the UN Security Council minutes
An Impartial Tribunal, Really? by Christopher Black
Illegal Tribunal – Illegal Indictment
The Hague: A Tool of Legal Vengeance
WAR CRIMES: ALL’S NOT FAIR – David Binder, April 1996
The UN Charter
Legality and running of the ICTY – evidence from Security Council Minutes
Milosevic challenges legality of ICTY
Unjust from the Start, Part III: The Illegal Basis of the War Crimes Tribunal – Professor Dr Kosta Cavoski
“Making a link between the idea of justice and the idea of peace and security”
Was the ICTY properly set-up?
Phoney “tribunals” perpetuate historical fictions – Stephen Karganovic
ICTY Statute
UN Security Council justification for creation of the ICTY
Richard Goldstone on the legal basis of the ICTY
Major Abuses
The Scheffer conspiracy
ICTY Propaganda
Team Complies Bosnia Atrocities for War Crimes Trial – Los Angeles Times, 1st May 1994
2017 speech by ICTY registrar John Hocking
ICTY judges without legal qualification – New York Times
Carla del Ponte on the workings of the ICTY
Andy Wilcoxson – Corrupt Justice at the ICTY
Yugoslav War Crimes Tribunal Confirms Secret Indictments
Lipstick on a Pig: Corrupt “Justice” at the ICTY – Andy Wilcoxson, 6 February 2014
Secretary-General’s formal note on legality of ICTY (S/25704)
Expert statistical evidence
Restrictions on Milosevic and Seselj imposed by ICTY
ICTY’s exploding budget
Trial/Appellate chamber rotation at ICTY
Was the ICTY version of the Balkan conflicts an accurate one?
Izetbegovic’s 1990 Islamic Declaration
Milosevic’s St Vitus’ Day speech, 28 June 1999
Empty Bosnian graves baffle UN – Jon Swain, Sunday Times
Video clip: Witness L revealed as a liar
More Dirty Lies, Courtesy of The Hague Inquisition – Nebojsa Malic, December 2002
A common enterprise against the Serbs – Tara McCormack, Spiked, 6 December 2012
Saving the war crimes tribunal – Cedric Thornberry
The Milosevic Trial
If this man is a war criminal, where is all the evidence? John Laughland, Mail on Sunday, July 2002
Milosevic to ask Dutch court to challenge his arrest – AFP 12 July 2001
The Unseen Evidence
Alexander Cockburn: Did Milosevic or His Accusers “Cheat Justice”?
The Tribunal as a Political & Propaganda Arm of NATO – by Edward S. Herman
A Cockeyed Prosecution
“Let Slobbo speak for himself” – John Laughland, The Spectator, 10 July 2004
Transcript BBC Newsnight Goldstone & Laughland
Milosevic and Judge May clash over medicine allegations
The Milosevic Trial: William Walker’s role as provocateur
The ICTY’s care of Slobodan Milosevic – 2002 article by Jared Israel
ABC news Sat, Oct 5 2002 – Milosevic and May
The Milosevic Trial: William Walker’s role as provocateur
You don’t need 1,631 witnesses to reveal the absurdity of the Milosevic trial
Guardian Comment, 14 March 2006 by John Laughland
Herman / Peterson extracts on ICTY bias in Milosevic trial
Special Report: ICTY couldn’t prove genocide charge against Milosevic
Prosecution in Milosevic Trial Rests Case Early
Stacy Sullivan on Milosevic and Genocide – Ed Herman
Media Bias
Propaganda deconstructed – a guide to the techniques of persuasion
Propaganda Wars – Phillip Knightley, Independent on Sunday 27 June 1999
Ed Herman & David Peterson on New York Times ICTY coverage
Natasa Kandic and the Propaganda War against Yugoslavia
Media WON’T Discuss Clinton Kosovo fraud – Mary Mostert
Marlise Simons: A Study in total propaganda by Edward Herman & David Peterson
Journalists must always fight spin – by Robert Fisk
How Media Misinformation Led to Bosnian Intervention- George Kenney (1997)
Vulliamy and Hartmann on Srebrenica: A Study in Propaganda – David Peterson & Edward S. Herman
David Binder on 1st Markale atrocity in Sarajevo, Foreign Policy, Winter 1994/5
The Times, editorial, Monday 6 June 2011 – “Memory Against Forgetting”
Partiality in Conflict Reporting: The Media’s Secret Shame?
Reporting Kosovo: Journalism vs. Propaganda – Philip Hammond
Studies and Papers
A Srebrenica Primer – Stephen Karganovic
Report by Balkan Peace Organisation on part played by mujahideen in Bosnian war
The Srebrenica Massacre – Ed Herman & others
Special Report: Srebrenica and the Politics of War Crimes – George Bogdanich, June 2005
Dr. Ljubiša Simić – Forensic Analysis of Srebrenica post-mortem reports
The UK press on Srebrenica
ICRC Missing List original 1997
Making Peace With The Guilty – General Charles G. Boyd
Reporting Yugoslavia: Myths & Misconceptions (1998) – Jonathan Rooper
The Makings of a Myth
The Demonization of the Serbs in the Bosnian Conflict – by Philip Jenkins
Secret War: US and EU Intervention in Yugoslavia
The Yugoslavian Fairy Tale -George Szamuely
Memorandum 1986 (the Greater Serbian Ideology)
Diplomatic Ambiguity – Dra????????zen Pehar
Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, The Dismantling of Yugoslavia : A Study in Inhumanitarian Intervention (and a Western Liberal-Left Intellectual and Moral Collapse ( Monthly Review, October, 2007).
Rape and the Reporting of Rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992-1993*
Defining Genocide Down: The Case of Srebrenica – George Szamuely
1949 Memorandum by UN Secretary-General on the creation of a UN international criminal court
The Illegal Basis of the Hague Tribunal
The Star Witness
“Srebrenica: The Star Witness” – Germinal Civikov
The Crown Witness at the Hague – John Laughland
Why was Yugoslavia of such concern to the USA?
Excerpt from Fools’ Crusade by Diana Johnstone
Transcript of 2003 interview with Richard Holbrooke
Transcript “Allies & Lies” Correspondent BBC2 2001
An Open Letter to my good friend, Patrick Buchanan – by Stella Jatras
Lawrence Eagleburger false allegations, December 1992
Press cuttings from 1992
The Trouble with NATO
Hawks and Eagles: “Greater Nato flies to the aid of Greater Albania” – Diana Johnstone
Kosovo: The Nato bombing – to what end? Gregory Copley
NATO deliberately targeted civilians – Andy Wilcoxson
The NATO Bombing of Radio / TV Serbia
NATO accused of violating international law in Kosovo
“Serb TV station was legitimate target”
The ICMP & Unsupported DNA evidence
Putting the record straight
ICMP immunity document English & Serbian versions
The ICTY’s DNA deception
Low Copy Number DNA
FT article on ICMP, December 2007
DNA – The Caddy Report
ICTY investigations. Interview with Jean-René Ruez (Cultures & Conflits, Spring 2007)
Deposition of Colonel Vidoje Blagojevic protesting innocence after serving ICTY sentence
George H Bush State of Union 29 January 1991
George H Bush – New World Order quote
The Bosnian War
Bosnia Tragedy – Sara Flounders, IAC October 1995
America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims – Richard J Aldrich, The Guardian, April 2002
The story Nato’s newspaper does not want to tell – Robert Fisk, The Independent, January 2001
Bosnia shivers as ghost of nationalism returns – BBC, 9 February 2022
Intimidation of report author
Some Last Words On That Libel Trial – Mick Hume
Speech Crime in the Balkans – Philip Hammond
Guardian peddles the old Bosnian myths
Bosnia is in danger of breaking up, warns top international official
Special Report Feb. 28, 1999 Bob Dole and Yugoslavia – Sirius
A Chilling Smile From My Torturer – The Guardian, December 2002
ICMP entire immunity paper
Bosnia Tragedy: The Unknown Role of the US Government & Pentagon – Sara Flounders
1997 US Senate Report on Bosnian War
Strategic Propaganda
The Skorpion video
Srebrenica ‘genocide denial’ law in Canada (June 2019)
Mess in the Bosnia and Hercegovina – Edward Pearce
Izetbegovic confession on Bosnian “death camps”
Selling the Bosnian Myth to America: Buyer Beware
Ordeal by innocence – Colonel Vidoje Blagojevic
Srebrenica: The quest for clarity – Andy Wilcoxson
Srebrenica debate
Papers reveal Anglo / French distrust before Srebrenica
Feb 2020 Guardian article on refugees in Bosnia
Secret 1993 ICTY report on Bosnian war death figures
“Sisters at War”, letter in London Review of Books 18 March 1999, by Robert Bell
The Yugoslavian Fairy Tale – George Szamuely, 28 May 2004, Foreign Policy in Focus
U.S. Policymakers on Bosnia Admit Errors in Opposing Partition in 1992 – David Binder, NYT, 29 August 1993
David Binder
Discussions – The CSPAN debate
“No death camps in Bosnia” – Izetbegovic deathbed confession
Transcript: Dr Cees Wiebes and Chris Stephen interviewed by Clive Anderson on Radio 5 Live, October 2004
Muslims ‘slaughter their own people’ – Leonard Doyle, The Independent, Saturday 22 August 1992
War By Numbers – George Szamuely, Global Research 24 February 2003
ICTY demographers reduce Bosnia death total by 50% -Norwegian News Agfency
Joe Biden on Bosnia
Joe Biden on Bosnia 1995
The Serb Femicide – by Aart Brouwer, De Groene Amsterdammer 1997
U.S. Policymakers on Bosnia Admit Errors in Opposing Partition in 1992
‘You are only allowed to see Bosnia in black and white’ – Brendan O’Neill, January 2004
Europe’s distrust of US policy in Bosnia – two press articles from August 1994
A Killer’s Tale — A special report.; A Serbian Fighter’s Path of Brutality – By John F. Burns
Impunity: From Harry Truman to Richard Holbrooke – Edward Herman
“What about the U.S. role in Croatian atrocities?” – Colonel George Jatras, 28 April 2002
Children struck dumb after seeing massacre – International News, 6 October 1998
Impunity: From Harry Truman to Richard Holbrooke By Edward Herman
Responsibility to Protect
America’s Role in Operation Storm – Marinko Culic, September 2001
Genocide Denial in Bosnia
Report by French journalist on visit to International Commission for Missing Persons in 2011
A New Storm is Brewing in the Balkans – Stephen Karganovic
The west’s nation-building fantasy is to blame for the mess in Afghanistan | Simon Jenkins
Peacekeeping Helped Cheney Company – Associated Press, 28 August 2000
Hague Tribunal denies Naser Oric murders
Joint Criminal Enterprise at the ICTY – Nathan Dershowitz
Disputed Atrocities
Muslims ‘slaughter their own people’
UN sees Bosnian Muslim mortar provocation
Sunday Times (1 October 1995) reports doubts about Sarajevo mortar atrocity
BBC’s John Simpson challenges Siladzic on “70,000 killed at Bihac” claim
BBC Panorama on breaking of arms embargo
‘Biggest ever’ mass grave excavated
Slovenia to deny rights to minorities -The Independent – April 2, 2004
Text of US Foreign Appropriations Bill 101-513, November 1990
Karadzic Told No Retrial, Prepare for Defence
‘Lessons of Kosovo” – Report of Defence Committee, 15 March 2000
U.S. Official Statement on its decision to recognise breakaway Yugoslav Republics, 7 April 1992
Cohen Fears 100,000 Kosovo Men Killed by Serbs
‘Motivated to believe the worst’
Boston Globe 500,000 missing claim
The Guardian, 2 August 2004 – John Laughland
The Bosnia Calculation – George Kenney, New York Times Magazine, 23 April 1995
Dealing with the Bosnian conundrum – Stefa Karganovic, 7 February 2021
“Politika” interview with historian Samuel Moine
Deconstructing coverage of the Krstic verdict
Srebrenica – a genocide narrative that is running out of steam
Srebrenica autopsies misrepresented by Hague Tribunal
Commentary on Srebrenica revelations from Deputy Head of UNPROFOR
Newly-released Srebrenica documents, January 2020
Srebrenica: view of a UN Peacekeeper
Shroud of secrecy leaves doubt on Srebrenica DNA evidence
Srebrenica Twenty Years Later – Bogdanich / Rooper
Conclusions of the Srebrenica Research Group (2005)
The Times’ Michael Evans reporting on the fall of Srebrenica town
More evidence on the Srebrenica “numbers game” – George Pumphrey
Srebrenica: a short overview
Srebrenica: Deconstruction of a Trauma
NIOD, Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies Report
Hubert Wieland, Personal Representative of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Naser Oric – Commander of Bosnian Muslim Army in Srebrenica
Oric: Sentencing a war criminal to freedom
Mustafic on Naser Oric
Srebrenica press cuttings, late July 1995
Canada’s proposed ‘Srebrenica Genocide Denial Law’
Basic Srebrenica Forensic Data
Srebrenica: details of refugee arrivals at Tuzla reception camp
Stacy Sullivan on Milosevic and Genocide – Edward S Herman 28 May 2004
What’s in a ‘mass grave’? Linda Ryan, Living Marxism, March 1996
Srebrenica: The Sacred Lie – Nebojsa Malic, 10 July 2010
ICTY Judge Patricia Wald on the Krstic Trial
The ICTY Calls It ‘Genocide’ – Professor Michael Mandel, 2004
The Wall of Silence
Rhetoric versus Facts
ICMP Srebrenica identifications
Srebrenica collection July 1995
“The Crown Witness at The Hague” – John Laughland, May 2009
Five Sources of the Srebrenica Legend – George Pumphrey, February 2010
Shroud of Secrecy Leaves Room for Doubt on Srebrenica DNA Evidence
Phillip Corwyn’s foreword to The Srebrenica Massacre by Ed Herman and others
2nd revised edition of Rethinking Srebrenica
Website Links
Srebrenica Historical Project
Search and News
Sputnik News – Interview with George Szamuely
Confessions of CIA Agent: They gave us millions to dismember Yugoslavia
Books & Videos
Documentary: The Avoidable War
Journalists in Bosnia
Canadian Veritas website
Commentary on BBC4 Storyville: The Trial of Slobodan Milosevic
Canadian ‘Saturday Night’ Magazine on Gojko Suzak
BCRT Tweets
BCRT Tweets on the ICTY
ICTY Appeal Chamber Judgement on legality of the ICTY
Behind the Facade
The Dismantling of Yugoslavia – Ed Herman & David Peterson
America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims
Tony Blair’s speech to the Newspaper Society, 10 May 1999
Cracks in the media propaganda front
Report by Balkan Peace Organisation on part played by mujahideen in Bosnian war
Kosovo Victims Must Choose to Deny Rape or Be Hated – New York Times June 1999
Victors’ justice – John Laughland, January 2002
No Genocide, No Justification For War on Kosovo – Toronto Star 3 November 1999
Boston Globe 500,000 missing claim