- John Laughland on the cost of western intervention
- Professor Glenn Diesen on the iniquity of the rules-based system
- Brendan O’Neill on how Bosnia was raining ground for Al Qaeda
- How the US created an illegal and unjust international criminal court
- Ed Herman on US opportunism and duplicity
- Bob Dole and Yugoslavia
- US and others drive coach and horses through arms embargo
- Noam Chomsky’s incisive view of the conflicts of the 1990s
- DeclassifiedUK on Matt Kennard’s book
- US interference in 2000 Serbian election
- Nebojsa Malic 2004 article on collapse of Serbian sovereignty
- US fixes Milosevic election defeat
- misguided US foreign policy
- Text of US Foreign Appropriations Bill 101-513
- Europe’s distrust of US policy in Bosnia
- U.S. Policymakers on Bosnia Admit Errors in Opposing Partition in 1992
- Secret war: US and EU intervention in Yugoslavia
- Kosovo indictment proves Clinton’s Serbian war atrocities
- William Walker and the Racak ‘massacre’
- How Albright manoeuvred NATO into war
- Kosovo chaos undercuts Clinton “success”
- Clinton had chance to avoid Kosovo bombing
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